Friday, April 25, 2014

Women are too lazy to deserve equal pay

This article further proves that negative stereotypes about women’s work ethics still exist. The mayor says men make more because they are more flexible with their schedules then women are. “Women make half of what men do because of flexibility of work, men are more motivated by money than women are.” The idea that the mayor fails to acknowledge is that men often have the luxury to work longer hours. Women, on the other hand, are seen as the caretakers so once their work shift ends their second shift begins. The second shift is often thought of as beginning when the mother then comes home to do housework and clean. Men, because they do not feel the societal pressure to complete these tasks can have more vigorous business hours. Men then are able to advance their careers, and make more money, not just because of the intellectual talent but their ability to give up more of their time. The advancement of males in the work force is further seen in the statistics from the AAUW. The group states that women on average make 23% less then men. The article then breaks down the statistics by demographic group. The way to lessen this gap is to have women and men both take on the task of raising children and housework. This way both men and women will be able to have “flexible” schedules.

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