About a week ago, I came across this video on Facebook and was extremely confused by the title "24 People Applying for the World's Hardest Job." Per usual, I was very intrigued and decided to watch it. The video goes on to interview 24 different candidates for a non-specific company position. As the interviewer starts to describe the job, you can tell that the interviewee's are very concerned. He says that the job is a 24 hour thing, and that the employee will have minimal and sporadic, if any breaks, and that it requires an extreme amount of different types of skills. Oh, and it is 100% unpaid. You can see in all the interviewee's eyes that they are not happy calling this position inhumane and extremely illegal, but the best part is when the interviewer reveals who currently hold this position, and he says "mom" and you can just see all the interviewee's faces light up because it is so incredibly true. They work 24/7 to keep their kids happy doing whatever and being wherever they need to be and they get paid absolutely nothing.
As we have discussed in class a lot this week, there is this idea that household work, taking care of the kids, doing laundry, etc. is not necessarily considered work because it is not paid, but I think that most of us can agree that this is far from the truth. Mothers put in more hours of hard labor than any paid position out there and they are not paid a single penny and are usually criticized for "not having a job" even though they clearly do. "Modern day economists make a distinction between 'productive' and 'unproductive' work..." (Kirk & Okazawa-Rey, 311). Claiming that women's work in the home is not productive because it does not bring in a steady income.
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