I have a question. If abortions were okay in every state, more than the 1.2 million abortions would happen, according to Reproductive Justice. People are all for the choice of reproduction, but you are all here because your mother chose not to abort you. You have the right to your own body right? When does that start? What if your mother chose to abort you. You wouldn't be here. Would your view for the choice to abort or not still stand? If you were aborted and ended up a spirit wondering the earth watching people protest for the choice to have an abortion, would you agree with them then? I hear all of these people say it is not murder to break apart a fetus's limbs and stop his or her heart, so when does life start? If you miscarry a child, then it is the right time to mourn for him or her? Even if you miscarry in the first trimester compared to abortion in the second or third? So when do your rights start up? People say it is their right for this and that and to not be oppressed or discriminated, however, they take rights away from another living human being. Since when was it their right to decide if that baby is living or not? No one knows what it is like in the womb. They can't remember. That does not mean you weren't living. No one remember's when they are 1, 2, even 3 years old either. Were you not living then? Every cell in your body is living. It can't die and shed off if it wasn't. Cells regrow and move and protect your body. Every set of cells has a special purpose to keep you alive. An egg in the woman's body is a cell. One of the biggest cells of your body actually. Meaning it is living. It has a purpose: to make a baby. That cell, the egg, is living before it is even fertilized by the sperm, which is also living. To fast forward, once you are pregnant, you have to choice to keep the baby? Did you not make the choice to "make the baby" in the first place? This all just blows my mind. If everyone had abortions because the baby wasn't fully developed like it needed to be or because they weren't financially stable, a ton of people wouldn't be here today that have made a huge difference in the world. Beethoven, for example. Several of her children didn't live past infancy. She was also very ill and they did not have much money. What would we have lost as a planet without Beethoven? Doctors told her he was going to have problems hearing. Doesn't that make his music and all that he did so much more beautiful?
To make it clear I don't have an opinion on abortion because I can see positives and negatives from both parties involved. Their are some questions that I would like to ask in response to your questions. You say it is not okay for a women to abort a child due to financial stability on top of stating that mothers have no rights over their child's flesh, soul, or whatever you want to say. But to what extent is it a mothers obligation to support and give the child a healthy and fulfilled life. Is it morally right for a mother to give birth to a child with no financial support? Is it okay for a child to be left on the streets? Is it okay for a child to know that their mother didn't want them? We don't live in a survival of the fittest world anymore. Another aspect that I want to look into is that I believe that this is a difficult topic to discuss because so many people haven't lived through an abortion but speak as if they are correct without living through the life changing decision. Personally I can say abortion is wrong, but then I wonder what if I was in a pregnant teenagers shoes that had no income or support of a mother or father. A pregnant teenage girl that was living on her own. Do you think some peoples views would change then, by putting yourself in their shoes? This is a very sensitive subject that will be debated till the end of time. I try to stay out of it, but I do support reproductive justice for women no matter what they decide, "Regardless of where you sit on the abortion issue, shouldn’t women have more information to be able to make a truly informed choice, since the law says they have a choice?" (Bob Bolier).