Thursday, April 24, 2014

Motherhood Compensation

Being a mother is obvious a very difficult challenge that requires a lot of work and time. Motherhood is a full time job, nowhere does is say that raising a child is easy. Recently in class we read The Mommy Tax by Ann Crittenden and have discussed about compensation for mother. Although the comparison in the article might have been a little extreme, a good point was brought up about how we compensate our military members. Rightfully so, all military members should be compensated for the sacrifice's that they are willing to make. But mothers are making similar sacrifices such as leaving the work force and loosing employment status. For my discussion question I will get right to the point. Many countries in Europe are compensating and giving mothers benefits but the United States is still withholding that luxury. Do you think the U.S. should start compensating mothers? And if so what types of compensations and benefits do you believe would be fair?

1 comment:

  1. No, I don’t think the U.S. should start compensating mothers. I do not get how there is a comparison to military members and stay at home mothers. Sure they made the choice enter into the military but they are out there putting their life on the line and to make that type of sacrifice there has to be compensation. THEY ARE PROTECTING US! AND no amount of compensation packet could repay the service members that have suffered emotional and physical injuries or the families that have lost their loved ones. As a woman you make a choice to become a mother and society should not have to be penalized for that decision. I would not want to take any more money from my household to pay another woman to stay at home and raise her children because she made the choice not to enter back into the workforce. I’m tripping off the statement “ the U.S. is withholding that luxury”. That’s right it would be a luxury and not a need so why do I want to contribute to a luxury lifestyle for other women and not myself when I’m the one out there working. Right now taxpayers already contribute through TANF so women can stay at home, we help with childcare, healthcare and other needs so to ask us to take on any more unnecessary responsibilities is CRAZY!!!! Don’t get me wrong on helping society financially because it is our duty to help humankind but it is the help that is being asked for that I would have a problem with.
