Thursday, April 24, 2014

Can Women Really Have It All?

In class we have been talking about what it means for women to “have it all”.  My definition of this is based off of a wide variety of people’s opinions. Who limits what women can or cannot have? The definition to me ranges from women having the high position job title in a competitive work field or having just enough to be able to have a job and support her family. Having it all can mean different things to different people. It really comes down to a women’s position in life and the opportunities that she is given. In the article, Why Women Still Can’t Have It All mentions that women are still looked upon by society to keep up with the “work- family balance” (Slaughter). With this being said, some of society may see that women needed to provide a second shift for the family. A second shift is when “women employed outside the home still carry household responsibilities” (Kirk 313). A second shift has the women or home taker provide the responsibilities of having a job while providing support at home for the family. This can be a more difficult task for some women. Though, if the husband were to have this role or be a “stay at home dad”, then some of society may look down upon that. How can society break some of these norms? Would things change if we had more women leaders in the world? These are questions that pop into my head and I wonder if society is thinking the same. People need to become more familiar with the ability for women to succeed in jobs or in “difficult, manly” positions.

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