Wednesday, February 26, 2014


When we were discussing asexuality in class the other day, the statement regarding how asexual individuals are not viewed as differently or as outcast as other groups like homosexuality, transsexuality, or bisexuality. Asexuality seems to be viewed as more “normal” and socially acceptable. Homosexuality is illegal in many states, while there are no rules, regulations, or laws enforced around asexuality.  Much of our lack of discrimination comes from, “It likely comes as no surprise that we do not know a great deal, scientifically, about asexuality, and we know even less about prejudices toward asexuals”(Hodson). Asexuals still face prejudice and discrimination which is unfair. I personally believe that asexuals face less discrimination because they are acting in abstinence and doing nothing “wrong” or against a specific religion, “It used to be the case that a lack of sexual interest, a lack of sex drive, or a lack of sexual attraction to other people was not necessarily construed as a problem—it was actually considered to be a virtue” (Bogaert). It is hard to put negativity toward abstinence even when it is a sexual orientation. I am curious to know your thoughts on why you believe, if you believe, asexuals face less discrimination or oppression that other sexual orientation such as homosexuality or bi-sexuality?

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your statements regarding asexuals being seen as more "normal" and I believe that is due to them not being considered a "threat". Many people are scared of those that they think might try and have an uncomfortable relationship with which leads to more discrimination towards homosexual, bisexuals, etc. Asexuals are not a threat because they can cause no intimate harm in the minds of the public. While I think it is nice that asexuals are not as discriminated against and can lead relatively normal lives, it saddens me that those who are homosexual, bisexual, etc do not have that same luxury when they are simply stating their beliefs on love and who they want to be romantically involved with. No group should be discriminated on who they choose to love.
