Friday, February 14, 2014

A mentoring journey

A mentor can be a role model, an advisor and even a friend. As I read through the article, How Cosmo changed my life, it talked about the importance of how a mentor changed Erica Jong’s' life. She mentions that she got advice on how, "feminism was mentoring, that older women and younger women could be allies, that there was nothing to fear from alliances with women"( This being said, she was meaning that women in general should be a good source as a mentor. For example if I had a problem I should be able to have the choice to explore my options on who to talk to. I don't necessarily have to talk to someone older than I. Though older people might be wiser, some of the young people may have better, more current views on my situation. You also shouldn’t forget that men could be a great mentor to you. I think that sometimes women might be afraid to use men as a mentor option. Just because they may not be as "warm and cuddly; not everyone is empathic and connects, nor should they" (Casper). I've come to find that sometimes those mentors that push you harder than you need, make you more successful in life. My dad for example isn't always easy on me when it comes to grades. I know he pushes me because he knows I can achieve things better if I have support and strength. I know he will always be a resource to me in the future. Therefore, a mentor can be anyone you choice. You might have to test out a few people to find who connects with you the best, but that’s the journey you take when finding a mentor.

The article link is below: 

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