Thursday, February 20, 2014

Roles of Actors

If white actors play the role of different races they get criticized for it. However, if black actors play the role of different races what happens? Nothing. There aren't complaints about it. They are expressing freedom. Then why do white actors suffer for accepting a role they are getting paid millions of dollars to play? Who would say no to that? Absolutely no one. They take the role as a challenge, as do the black or other races do when they take roles of different races other than themselves. Do they donate their money to organizations against discrimination? No. So why is it that white people are forced into this corner because they don't drop everything for other races? Other races don't drop everything for white people. Why is that not a problem? I feel white people are discriminated for these things. White people have just as much right to things as other races. I am against the discrimination around the world. However, I do not think the place to try to change things is with movies and actors. Their jobs are literally to take on different roles other than who they are. All the time. The link at the bottom tells about how black people take on roles of other races and there are no complaints about it. It connects with our discussion in class about the difference between identifying ethnicity and race. That race is more the physical appearance and ethnicity is who you are specifically. Race is just how you look on the outside. On the inside we are all basically the same. Just originate from different places around the same Earth. Why is all of this such a big deal?

1 comment:

  1. Please see my post "Working Towards Mutual Understanding" for my response to this post.
