Friday, January 24, 2014


This commercial is aiming towards engineering toys for girls. It starts off by showing three little girls watching a show on TV that is all pink and promotes "girly" things. As you can see by their faces, the little girls are bored and do not like the show. Then the commercial changes gears towards the little girls building things to destroy all of the "girly" toys that society has told them to play with. The song used for this commercial is somewhat of a parody of the song from the Beastie Boys.

As we read and discussed in class, gender has been socialized by society. We have always told our little kids that girls wear pink and play with gentle toys. Meanwhile, we have told our boys to play with strong toys and to build things. We have made blue a "boy" thing and have tried to make them be tough. Well, this commercial is doing the opposite. The idea behind it is that girls can do whatever they want to do. If they want to build and become engineers, then they can. Goldieblox is taking a step towards a future of equality among women and men. It is promoting a different mentality among parents.

In order for us to end oppression among women and to make this world more equal when it comes to gender, we must speak up. This is exactly what Goldieblox is about. Speaking up for those little girls who want to build, and who want to be strong. It is about both girls and boys using their mental and physical strength without being judged. Of course many people, especially feminist, support and like this change. Others, however, do not appreciate the commercial and what the company is trying to do. Some men may feel threatened because it has always been about them being the strong ones in this world.

Here is the link to the website for the Goldieblox company and what they are aiming towards.

1 comment:

  1. I really love the concept of this toy, and especially the commercial. I think the song in the background talking about how all girls toys are pink and the same really brings some light to how separated girls and boys toy are by gender, especially at that age. What I find really interesting though, is that instead of having a new type of toy that can be gender neutral, they made a toy that is just for girls and called it "Goldieblox" as if we still aren't equal to boys and need our own type of building blocks to play with. It just seems a little bit of an oxymoron because we want to progress and be equal but yet the toy is still exclusive to one gender.
