Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Perfection Is Not Beauty

Body image has become a sort of obsession within our culture. With the technology boom of mass media came with it a dark side. Media is obsessed with skinny. Skinny is advertised with models posing for Vogue, diet commercials, and ad campaigns photo shopping models into the cookie cutter images they think is “perfect”.  Even though most company’s follow this sort of trend, Aerie has branched out and shown us a light at the end of this tunnel of oppression.

The lingerie brand, Aerie, is not retouching their models for their ad campaigns. All the advertisements that you see are untouched and as is. The real beauty is displayed instead of masked behind digitally edited versions of themselves. In the text “It’s a Big Fat Revolution”, the author says that the cultural standard of society is that fat is ugly. The author goes on to say, “unhappiness is not a result of my fat, it’s a result of a society that tells me I’m bad”. Whether it’s fat on your stomach or on your sides embrace your curves. They call them love handles for a reason! Love your body and love who you are. Aerie is showing many girls that they are beautiful the way they were each uniquely created. Own individualism and gain the confidence of your body to show the world that perfection is not beauty.

1 comment:

  1. I truly love this concept for ads. In our society today we are so caught up in being the skinniest, the prettiest, and always living up to the model/celebrity standard, but what the media fails to tell us is how the people in these pictures aren't actually real people, they are photoshopped and edited. This campaign proves that wrong and sheds light on the fact that 99% of the world is not model skinny. I think campaigns like this help to reduce the pressure put on by society to be scary skinny. Hopefully this is the beginning in a change of how the media perceives women.
